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Dent-A-Lux Dental Clinic

Smile Design

What this is about

We all know how devastating discolored, cracked or mispositioned teeth can be to one's self-confidence. Cosmetic dental work can effectively restore funcionality and aesthetics to teeth whose looks and chewing ability have been compromised. Treatment involves designing the desired aesthetics using state-of-the-art technology and implementing it in the patient's mouth. The result is a happy, confident individual feeling no embarrassment and ready to smile whole-heartedly again. As one satisfied patient once put it, "This is a dream come true."

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The process

1The first step is a thorough exploration of the oral cavity. We identify and mapaesthetically displeasing, mispositioned, cracked or discolored teeth. After photo-documenting pre-treatment conditions, we also take an imprint, so that alterations will be more apparent after restoration.

2Step two is analysis. The computer-aided process is to determine the optimal future look for the compromised teeth. We inform our patients about all details and explain them what restorative procedures they are required to undergo in order to attain beautiful teeth.
Please note that no restorative treatment is administered up to this point. This is to make sure that no one ends up with a result that they do not like. Most dental work involves irreversible alterations of the teeth!
After analysis our patients have time to take the designs home and show them to friends and family to guarantee maximum satisfaction.

3Once the patient gives their consent to the design, we move on to implementation. Experience shows that attaining beautiful teeth in many cases requires a series of complex precedures. We offer the full spectrum of dental care precuderes in a single location. Whether you need whitening, ceramic veneers, soft tissue management, regenerative surgery, partial crowns or implants, we have it. We always tailor the treatment to the patient's individual needs, so that we can guarantee optimal results.

4Delivery and check-ups. Once the threatment is completed, not only has the patient new teeth, but they can experience life more fully, too.
However stunning the restorative work is, check-ups are a must. As the treatments are complex, long-term success can only be guaranteed when the results can be preserved back home also. This requires professional aftercare.

Who it is for

Smile design is recommended for patients who are not willing to settle for aesthetically displeasing, discolored, cracked or dispositioned teeth. This treatment is essential if you believe that quality is an everyday requirement, rather than luxury. Contact us if you feel that your beautiful smile should not be compromised by aesthetically damaged teeth.

Which option to take

We believe that quality is not luxury but a requirement. We really are perfectionists in the sense that we think our patients deserve the best treatment possible. In order to ensure this, not only do we keep our expertise up-to-date, but team up with the best technical support providers. We extensively use the products of the Germany-based Ivoclar Vivadent GmbH, a global leader in the manufacturing of materials and technologies for premium cosmetic dental care. Whether it is a veneer, a partial or full crown, the result is guaranteed. Beautiful teeth with a look so natural that everyone will assume they are real.

Sometimes damaged teeth need to be replaced altogether. Should this be the case, we recommend our state-of-the-art implanting solutions that will leave neighboring teeth fully intact. The implants used will vouch for long-term success and aesthetic pleasure. We recommend the implants of the Swiss manufacturer Straumann, a company that has been in the business for 50 years, is present in 38 countries and is an official partner of the world's biggest implantology association. Their excellence has been shown in 3000+ scientific publications and proven by countless revolutionary innovations in implantology. These are facts. No wonder most dental care professionals agree that their products are the best available. The company spends little on marketing, yet half of the imlants in Germany, a country of 80 million and highly sensitive to price and quality ratios, are sold by Straumann. Straumann is the market leader in many more countries. As this many people cannot be wrong and our own experience supports the same view, we recommend Straumann implants to all our patients.


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